Holiday Sweets Aren’t So Sweet
"They’ve lived a long life, let them eat whatever they want???????" This can cause a lot of health problems in the long run! With the...
Why Hydration Is Important
Our entire life we have heard how important water is for our bodies, yet it can be easy to forget when times get busy. As an adult, our...
Nutrition For The Elderly
Throughout our life we try to practice good health and fueling our body with the best nutrients possible. When someone begins to reach...
Dementia Sleep Issues: Sundowners
If your loved one has dementia or Alzheimer’s, they might be experiencing something called Sundowning or Sundowners Syndrome. Sundowning...
Outdoor Therapy For The Elderly
A lot of elderly people, as they age, find themselves sitting in front of a TV. Suddenly they are not interacting with as many people and...
Walking Decisions
Walking is such an important part of life. It gives us the independence to move where we want to go and take care of our needs. Losing...
Walking Safety for the Elderly
“Steps you can take to keep your loved one safe!” Getting older can be a challenge. There is the fight for continued independence, while...